Cytoplan was founded in 1990 by practitioners with many years’ experience in nutritional science. Our emphasis is on quality, innovation and product efficacy, and we have been a leader in the field of food-based supplementation for many years. We work closely with doctors and scientists to produce products which are highly bio-effective, truly innovative, and backed by research and studies. We have a reputation for quality, integrity, innovation and excellent service.
We consider that the supplements most appropriate and safe for human ingestion are those where the nutrients are presented in the same form as those in food – as the nutrients are in our Food State™ and Wholefood supplements. These are bio-active nutrient complexes containing all the associated food factors in which they occur in nature. If a substance is appropriate to metabolic activity, you do not need high levels – this is fundamental to our nutritional philosophy.
The Bredesen Protocol™
In March 2015, Amanda Williams, Managing and Technical Director at Cytoplan, read Professor Bredesen’s 2014 paper “Reversal of Cognitive Decline: A novel therapeutic program” and saw him speak at a conference in London. Amanda described it as the most exciting paper she had ever read and was determined to help bring his work to the UK.
With the assistance of our charitable foundation, The Aim Foundation, Cytoplan is working to help bring Professor Bredesen’s work to the UK – one of the ways we are doing this is through The Brain Health Programme, which we have developed based on the nutrition and lifestyle elements of The Bredesen ProtocolTM.
The AIM Foundation is funding a research project at an independent University in the UK. This is currently in its early stages with a review of relevant literature being undertaken.
Owned by a charitable organisation
We are owned by a charitable organisation and we make regular donations of supplements to charities and those in need. We aim to make a significant contribution to the health of our customers, and this is more important to us than profit.
All our products are conceived by common sense, grounded in science, and proven with results. Our products are for those who are serious about health, trust that nature holds the key to real health, and want a company they can believe in. We currently have in excess of 6,000 practitioners and medical doctors ordering from us.